
We've developed a number of tools and worksheets that give you an opportunity to apply the ideas we discuss to situations you face. Some take only a few minutes to finish and are a great way to follow up in the wake of a related episode, closing the loop by applying concepts while they're still fresh. The first two parts of our series culminate in the Negotiation Preparation worksheet, a single tool that draws together many parts of negotiation preparation. See below for our list of downloadable tools and worksheets.

Negotiation analysis and preparation

Five Dramas Quick Look

This tool guides you to apply our Five Dramas framework to a situation you’re facing, giving you a more complete understanding of factors to prepare for and leverage.

Five Dramas Post-mortem

Reflect on a past negotiation using our Five Dramas framework, drawing out lessons that can help in your future bargaining.

Information Strategy Audit worksheet

Plan your information strategy for an upcoming negotiation: including what you’ll Discover, what you’ll Divulge, and how you’ll Describe your proposals.

The Fixed Pie Playbook

3 Preps, 9 Plays, and 3 Principles that can help you succeed in tug-of-war bargaining.

Personal Case Worksheet

Identify an upcoming negotiation that’s worth preparing for.

Recommended timing:
after our episode “We are all Michael”

Dissect the Dramas worksheet (Forward-looking Version)

Tease apart the intersecting plotlines in an upcoming negotiation.

Recommended timing:
after our episode “The Drama of Dealmaking”

Dissect the Dramas worksheet (Backward-looking Version)

Look back at a past negotiation episode and identify how the Five Dramas were operating—including how they might have helped or hurt your interests.

Recommended timing:
after our episode “The Drama of Dealmaking”

Dissect the Dramas worksheet (Good Practices Version)

Reflect on general good practices for harnessing the Five Dramas in the kinds of negotiations you (and fellow organizational members) face.

Recommended timing:
after our episode “The Drama of Dealmaking”

Five Dramas Audit worksheet

Think about and prepare for each of the Five Dramas of negotiation.

Negotiation Compass: Self worksheet

Reflect on your Private Drama for an upcoming negotiation.

Recommended timing:
after our episode “Preferences, Priorities, and Plan B”

Define Success worksheet

Sketch out what matters most to you in a negotiation … and think about how you could get goaljacked.

Clarify Your Preferences and Priorities

Map out your view of the issues under negotiation, including your preferences within each and your priorities across the set of issues

Diagnose the Issue Mix worksheet

Analyze the issues in a negotiation, identifying which ones are fixed-pie, compatible, and lopsided-priorities.

Recommended timing:
after our episode “Return to Sayulita”

Smart Trades worksheet

Anticipate potential “smart trades” for an upcoming negotiation, including understanding which issues are more important to the other side and which ones are more important to you.

Positions and interests worksheet

Examine your and your counterpart’s positions and underlying interests for an upcoming negotiation.

Opening Acts Worksheet

Prepare for your opening move in an upcoming negotiation.

Recommended timing:
after our episode “Open Well”

Discovery Agenda worksheet

Think about what you need to learn for an upcoming negotiation and how you can learn it.

Recommended timing:
after our episode “Preparing to Discover”

Action/Reaction worksheet

Think about what actions your counterpart might take in an upcoming negotiation and how you could best respond.

Recommended timing:
after our episode “Preparing to Divulge and Describe”

Negotiation Preparation worksheet

Bring together the pieces of preparation for an upcoming negotiation in one integrated tool.

Recommended timing:
after our episode “More than Hope”

Manage the Parties worksheet

Reflect on the Party Drama for an upcoming negotiation, including the cast of characters who are or could be involved.

Personal reflection and development

Changing a Habit worksheet

Think about your own development as a negotiator and how you can achieve it.

Recommended timing:
after our episode “More than Hope”

Dream Situations and Worst Case Scenarios worksheet

Reflect on situations where you’re at your best (and how you can leverage that) and that you find most challenging (and how you can cope).

Recommended timing:
after our episode “More than Hope”

Post-Negotiation Reflections Worksheet

Reflect on how you fared in a past negotiation, including turning points, the Five Dramas, and information strategy.

Recommended timing:
after our episode “More than Hope”

Job negotiations

For information on all of our materials on job negotiations, including our roleplays, browse to our Job Negotiations page.

Resources for new job negotiations

Job Negotiation Quick Start - New Job Edition

A speedy way to jumpstart your preparation for negotiating terms at a new job.

Job Negotiation Workbook - New Job Edition

Guides you to apply the good practices described in our job negotiation episodes to your own situation, preparing to negotiate terms at a new job.

Job Negotiation Phrasebook - New Job Edition

A collection of phrases that could be used in various parts of the bargaining conversation, such as starting off, seeking information, and responding to questions about desired compensation. Review, refine, and adapt these options to find words that work for you.

Resources for current job negotiations

Job Negotiation Quick Start - Current Job Edition

A speedy way to jumpstart your preparation for negotiating terms at a current job.

Job Negotiation Workbook - Current Job Edition

Guides you to apply the good practices described in our job negotiation episodes to your own situation, preparing to negotiate terms at a current job, such as asking for a promotion or raise.

Job Negotiation Phrasebook - Current Job Edition

A collection of phrases that could be used in various parts of the bargaining conversation, such as starting off, seeking information, and responding to questions about desired compensation. Review, refine, and adapt these options to find words that work for you.

Resources for college students

Job Negotiation Quick Start - College Student Edition

Designed for college students, this edition of the Quick Start is speedy way to jumpstart your preparation for negotiating terms at a new job.

Job Negotiation Workbook - College Student Edition

Designed for college students, this workbook guides you to apply the good practices described in our job negotiation episodes to your own situation, preparing to negotiate terms at a new job.

Job Negotiation Phrasebook - College Student Edition

Designed for college students, this workbook presents a collection of phrases that could be used in various parts of the bargaining conversation, such as starting off, seeking information, and responding to questions about desired compensation. Review, refine, and adapt these options to find words that work for you.

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