
In addition to Episodes and Assessments, Negotiable offers a number of resources. See below for links to Worksheets, Roleplays, a Conceptual Overview, Highlights and Good Practices, Research and Findings, and a Glossary.


Our worksheets help you apply ideas from Negotiable to yourself and the situations you face. They can be a great way to follow up after a related episode, closing the loop by applying concepts while they're still fresh. See our Worksheets page for tools on analyzing and preparing for negotiations as well as personal reflection and development.


One of the best ways to develop negotiation skills is to practice them, hands on, in a roleplay with someone else—and then reflect on the experience. Our Roleplay section provides materials that allow people to prepare for, enact, and reflect on mock negotiations.

Conceptual Overview

A visual summary of Negotiable’s core ideas, available in a printer-friendly format as a quick reference. This page is available only to users who are logged in.

Highlights and Good Practices

Brief text highlights and summaries of good practices covered in our episodes, along with links to related episodes, worksheets, and other resources. This page is available only to users who are logged in.

Research and Findings

Access the social science behind Negotiable and research results that shed like on negotiation dynamics.


Not sure what a “second table” is? Can't recall the difference between the Party Drama and the Process Drama? What was the Nirvana case about? Our Glossary provides definitions and notes on terms used throughout our Negotiable content, including references to relevant episodes.

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